< August 2002 >
31st: Syndicate this site? As a result of some of my musings about the semantic web and (brought about by my definition lists article) I thought I'd experiment with writing an RSS feed. As it is my first effort at producing such a thing I've decided to have create a channel for my articles first as these are not updated frequently. This will give me a little time to investigate methods for automatically generating the feeds etc which will make life easier for when I want to syndicate the blog "channel" of my website. The URL for my RSS feed is http://www.benmeadowcroft.com/rss/articles.rdf and no, I'm not going to add that ugly orange XML box that you see everywhere linking to it.
Feedback on my Definition List article. I've had some fairly interesting feedback on the article I wrote [in the usenet group comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html], the interesting stuff is mainly from concepts that have branched off from some of the content management points raised in the article, google groups has an archive of the discussion.
This site will have been in it's present location for around a year this coming November, to "celebrate" I'm thinking of revamping the look of the site. The wheels are turning already.
30th: Definition Lists article added. It's been a while since my last article on abbreviations and acronyms, so I thought I'd write another. My current article is about definition lists and some of the more interesting ways they can be used. The benefits of writing HTML in a meaningful way are barely being touched upon in my opinion, with the advent of advanced content management systems semantically rich information can be manipulated and used in a plethora of new ways.
Google Glossary. In relation to definition lists and tools making use of them, the google glossary has been available for some time now in the google labs, it is one of those projects that I hope becomes a mainstream google tool. Here's my vote any way, not that google is a democracy though :).
Current Reading: The Content Management Bible.
19th: Madrid Trip Preview Pictures. Due to an increasing work load I have not been able to devote the time to put up the photographs of my recent trip to Madrid on the site. However work is in progress on a new CSS gallery template to present the photographs. In the meantime I will put up a couple of pictures, they are available from the thumbnails at the end of this post.
Current Reading: Spanish For Dummies.
13th: Public CSS-Discuss Archive Opened. The CSS-Discuss archive has finally been opened to the non-subscribed public. CSS-Discuss is a mailing list for discussing practical CSS implementations, the new version improves on the older version by offering improved search facilities. Opening the list is seen as a step towards reducing the number of duplicate questions that are asked. This archive is a valuabel resource for anyone interested in CSS and I strongly recommend it.
If you're interested you can look at the search results for my name, a meagre tally I know but I do have to work for a living.