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Free CSS Layout Templates

There are a few templates available for download, they are divided into two main groups. The first group is for people who want to recreate common, one, two or three column layouts which are also popular table layout styles. The second group are layouts which are a little bit different and demonstrate how CSS can be used to produce more interesting designs.

"Column" Layout Templates, with print stylesheet

Demonstration Layout Templates

This resource is provided to help people who want to make the move from table based sites to the more fluid CSS style. Important Information If you intend on using these templates then feel free to do so, I do not require a link back to my site (although that would be nice if you think my site is worth it), however remember that other people may have used a template from this collection as well, so make sure you modify them a bit to create a new style for your site! I do not want to be responsible for a splew of identical websites. These templates have been tested in Version 6 of the main PC browsers, use them at your own risk!

More Important Information I retain copyright on my site, you can use the provided templates as you wish, but the rest of my site is my copyright, so don't copy it! (unless noted).
